Tag Archives: Family

We Interrupt The Regularly Scheduled Program

July 2018 (7 of 13)

Holidays have a way of disrupting art making. As does the garden. When the produce is ready, it’s ready. Whether I am or not.

Last week I only saw the inside of my studio when letting the studio cats in and out.

July 2018 (3 of 13)

Instead we celebrated my favorite holiday, July 4th. In my family this means a gathering of the grandmas, grandpas, aunties, uncles, cousins, and kids in Hanford.

July 2018 (6 of 13)

There’s none of the pressure that goes with making the perfect Thanksgiving meal (or making sure the turkey is actually cooked – ask Greg about that one) or finding the perfect present, or trying to be with our two loving families at the same time on the same day and making both of our mothers happy. (Greg’s family gets Easter.)

July 2018 (2 of 13)

We swim in the Hanford heat. Go to the movies.

July 2018 (1 of 13)

Eat too much good food. Play with the dog. And do fireworks like we did when I was a kid.

July 2018 (8 of 13)     July 2018 (9 of 13)

We hang out, we chat, we visit with our beloved family. And this year, we celebrated our youngest niece, Bennett’s, first birthday.

July 2018 (5 of 13)

At the same time, the fruit for jam making from our local orchard, Andy’s, was ready. “Come and get it!” they called. So I spent 3 days turning 30 pounds of Blenheim apricots and Santa Rosa plums into jewel colored jams.

July 2018 (10 of 13)     July 2018 (11 of 13)July 2018 (12 of 13)

And the green beans and the cucumbers in our garden have burst into enthusiastic overdrive so yesterday I spent the day canning pickles and Dilly beans.

July 2018 (13 of 13)

Oh, I’ve been thinking of art and talking about art. But not actually making any. (Well, I designed custom canning labels, does that count?) Monday I had a nice visit with my friends and fellow artists in the Book Arts Quire. And Friday,  after I harvest the garden, I’m going to work on art. Really. Next week I’ll have an art story or two for you.

I hope you’re enjoying the summer!



Living With An Artist at Crunch Time


by Mick Stevens in The New Yorker

Hi everybody.  Its me, Greg, your guest blogger here again.  The 2017 Codex book fair is just around the corner and Ginger’s work is coming together nicely but she’s swamped right now.  Which is why you get me.  I shall continue my previous theme and discuss Codex prep from my perspective.  Specifically, I see Ginger is super busy and stressed so what can I do to help alleviate that (without making more work for her)?  We’ve been through this a number of times preparing for various art shows and here’s a few things I’ve learned that will help.

  • Volunteer to be a studio assistant.   Your first reaction may be, “I’m not an artist, how can I possibly help in the studio?”  True, I don’t know much about art but I do know how to measure paper and use a bone folder.  I can even work a Kutrimmer.  In fact, I quite enjoy putting on the headphones and cranking through a stack of paper or davey board.   I don’t know anything about book bindings but I can run to the store for more art supplies.  I often tell Ginger, “Pretend I’m a small child (not a stretch) and give me specific and clear instructions, I won’t be offended.”  Even taking on small menial tasks can be a help to her.
  • Encourage your artist to take breaks.  There are natural stopping points in Ginger’s work such as waiting for paint or glue to dry.  Or when transitioning from one book to the next.  That’s a good time to suggest a break.  Sometimes we go for ice cream and other times we just lie in bed and pet the cats.  A walk is always a good option.  Sometimes Ginger wants to talk about her work and other times she doesn’t even want to think about it.  We might take a dinner break and watch half hour of mindless TV.  Laughing together is always a good stress reliever.
  • Don’t take it personally if your artist is always busy or distracted.  This is not the time to stamp my foot and say “but what about me?!  Pay attention to me!”  During crunch time the artist is always thinking about his or her art.  We might be doing something completely non-art (including sleeping) but part of her brain is still working on art problems.  So I don’t take it personally if I’m talking to Ginger and she gets that faraway look in her eyes before jumping up and rushing off to the studio.
  • Make sure your artist doesn’t neglect his or her health.  One of the best ways to do this is to encourage your artist to get more sleep.  It sounds contradictory but more sleep can actually be more productive.  I’ve seen Ginger get into the bad pattern of working eighteen hours one day but then dragging for the next two days before giving in to a long sleep to catch up.  The net result is less productivity.  And more stress because then she feels like, “Oh no, I’ve been dragging and sleeping too much, I need to work even harder!”  I realize that Ginger will laugh at this because normally I’m one of those “Five hours is enough for anybody!” kind of guys but I realize that everybody is different and during crunch time you have to do what works best for you.
  • Be ready to give tough feedback.  This is a difficult one because I see Ginger working so hard and I see she’s stressed and fragile and my instinct is to tell her that everything she does is great.  After all, I want to be encouraging and I want to help her soldier on.  But I would be doing her a disservice.  We both agree that just because there’s a deadline looming it’s no reason to lower standards.   There are plenty of times in life where I’ll say, “It’s good enough, just get it done” but not when it comes to Ginger’s art.   So continue to give the tough feedback but be prepared to deliver it with an extra dose of kindness.  See my previous post on “The Art of Art Feedback”.
  • Don’t add extra pressure to your artist.   Yeah, this isn’t the time to remind her about her looming deadline.  It’s also not a good time to say, “Wow, you must be so stressed!”   Believe me, she’s acutely aware of it.  It’s also not the time to burden her with issues that aren’t urgent.  Do we really need to plan our 2018 vacation right now or can it wait a few weeks?  I find it’s helpful to jointly map out our week in advance so that Ginger knows which tasks or events I have covered and doesn’t have to worry about how non-art tasks are going to get done.
  • Remove distractions from your artist’s daily life.  This goes hand-in-hand with the above point.  Make or bring dinner.  Do extra household chores.  Offer to take the pet to the vet.  Attend the family function by yourself so she can keep working.  In fact, guess what?  You yourself might be a distraction.  The question to ask myself is, “Does Ginger really need to be interrupted or is this just a needy attempt to get attention?”
  • Give meaningful and specific encouragement.   Right now Ginger is very focused on a huge to-do list and what’s not going well.  Those unsolved problems are weighing heavily on her mind.  This is when she needs encouragement but not that general encouragement which, while true (“hey, at least you get to make art, isn’t that great?”), isn’t very helpful.  One of the best ways to encourage is to point out what I like about each new work.  What really pops out and how does it make me feel.  Sometimes Ginger gets to a point where she only sees what’s wrong with a piece.  It helps to have a fresh pair of eyes tell her what’s right and how well the piece works.

I hope you find these suggestions helpful.  They’ve definitely worked for me.  If you’re an artist then show this list to the people living with you.  And identify those people whom you can really depend on and allow yourself to lean on them a little.

